Jordi Peiró will not stand in new elections for health reasons


Next Saturday, September 30, Assembly of Club Escola de Futbol Can Mir will take place, where a new directive will be chosen as the current legal mandate has ended.

Jordi Peiró will not stand in new elections for health reasons

Jordi Peiró will not stand in new elections for health reasons
Jordi Peiró will not stand in new elections for health reasons

In this Assembly, the current president Jordi Peiró will not present his candidacy to continue directing Club due to health issues that he has dragged since 2012 and that make its continuity unattainable.

Jordi Peiró began his collaboration with CEF Can Mir in 2013, where he had responsibilities in secretary and treasury of entity.

In February 2017 he was elected president of Club, and with  team that accompanied him, he began to transform what was a neighborhood club into a project that works on education in values, inclusion, respect for diversity, reception and integration, and international cooperation; what entity considers to make  #FutbolPerATothom real.

Construction of this new model of football club has been very hard and complicated during these years, due to loneliness of CEF Can Mir when it comes to moving forward with these new projects. To a large extent, for reasons of lack of support and institutional recognition and due to the precarious state of the ZEM Can Mir facilities.

In spite of this and without renouncing any project, work carried out by the Club's work team during these years has made entity a national and international benchmark in aspects such as the inclusion of people with functional diversity, support for the reception and integration of children and young people from other countries,  or bringing resources for football and development of basic services to Senegalese village of Bouloukounda.

Also, with regard to ordinary football, CEF Can Mir has broken many patterns in terms of orientation of sports activity, fleeing from excessive competitiveness, reinforcing education in values, and opening door for any child, young person or adult, regardless of their sporting, technical and economic abilities, to play football under conditions of equality and equity.

In principle, only one candidacy has been presented led by  current vice-president Xavi Mas, a director who has worked on the front line, and day by day, with Jordi Peiró in the transformation of the entity in recent years, guaranteeing  philosophy and lines of action that the Club began in 2017, as well as the new ones that can be promoted from now on.




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