Senior teams of functional diversity participate in a tournament in Bresso (Italy)


Players, families and those responsible for the CEF Can Mir, will participate this weekend in this international event.

Senior teams of functional diversity participate in a tournament in Bresso (Italy)

Els equips Sèniors de diversitat funcional del CEF Can Mir  Torneig a Bresso (Itàlia)
Els equips Sèniors de diversitat funcional del CEF Can Mir Torneig a Bresso (Itàlia)

Next Saturday, September 23, Seniors DF "A" and "B" teams of  CEF Can Mir will participate in Tournament that will take place in  city of Bresso, next to Milan (Italy), and will play against teams of functional diversity of Bresso 4.

Bresso 4 is one of the teams that participated in BRACE project of  European Union and shares with our entity sensitivity and commitment to promote practice of sports, and specifically football, of anyone regardless of their abilities or origin.

Participation in this tournament is a prize and recognition for our players, and as you can imagine, they will live this experience with great intensity; A unique and exciting experience hard to forget.

The aim of CEF Can Mir and Bresso 4 is, as happened with  ERASMUS BRACE project of European Union for young immigrants welcomed, that  inclusive football activity of people with functional diversity has relevance in other countries and can be exchanged experiences regularly.

In this sense, we have been working on a "Manual of first aid to sport" aimed at people with functional diversity, which unifies  attention and the criteria to be used.

We want to thank the families and players for their efforts to make this milestone a reality. Also to the City Council of RubíFedamar Foundation and some private companies for their economic support.

This effort and support will mean that 38 people from our city will participate in this event and will take name of Can Mir and Rubí back to Europe.









CEF Can Mir

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