Bonding day at Can Mir


CEF Can Mir and La Caserna Football School united for inclusive football

This coming Sunday, December 17 we will celebrate a party with the Escola de Futbol La Caserna at CEF Can Mir. From early morning until mid-afternoon, we will celebrate a day of brotherhood that will conclude with a fideuá where everyone is welcome. 

The Escola de Futbol La Caserna from Sabadell,  whose representative is the former professional player Oleguer Presas, shares our vision of sport and the principle of inclusion as the basis of the club. This affinity has generated that we have the opportunity to enjoy this day together, which we hope will be the first of many more. 

As for the food, we are aware that there are many people with food intolerance problems, and we have taken into account all those that families have sent us. If you have not yet purchased your ticket for the fideuá, and you have any allergies or special dietary requirements, please let us know when you do so. 

We hope to see you this weekend!


CEF Can Mir

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